In The Mean Time

Hy gals and chaps! Just a small update what happened in the meantime:

  • Added new function to the backend to (hopefully) properly compute the observed Wv/Wn for the next weekend.
  • Added some features to the observation table to be more useful (column subset and stuff).
  • Some fixes on the frontend: element-styling in the forum, image width of the forecast/analysis maps)
  • Optimized the databases, the script calls, smarter includes of some scripts and libraries, and optimized the webserver settings to improve the server response time. Up to now this looks pretty good, hope you may have noticed a difference as well.
  • Cleaned the code in the repositories, merged some of the repositories and revamped the structure/locations on the server such that the new generation (code support) can easily contribute in the near future.
  • Web-analytics implemented.
  • Documentation, documentation, documentation. Round about 80 hours over the last days.
  • Including the observations of the stations which have been missing in the past (thanks to Marcus). And shame on me that this took a bit longer than needed, even if it was in the top 3 of the todo list.
  • Fixed some small issues in the archive (migration issues). Thanks to Georg for the very detailed analysis and checks.
  • Fixed things here and there on the front-end. Not yet everything is properly responsive (e.g., large tables) and might be fixed somewhen 2018.
  • Observation plots (version 0.1 😉 ) replaced with a d3 implementation rather than creating static plots in the backend.
  • Added a table of the maximum day length which is used to compute the relative sunshine duration to the link list.
  • Small adjustments and fixes on the scripts producing the observations for all stations which are used to compute the scores in the tournament. Still some issues open, see forum.

Overall a lot of work, however, if you find something which is either buggy or wrong, or both, please let me know!

I wish you all a nice time and see you here on Friday :).
