Zurich Live Data

The new Wetterturnier System was designed to automatically process all observations based on the new BUFR message standard. This worked like a charm before different institutes decided to restrict their data set. Among them is the DWD, but also MeteoSwiss.

Thus, our hard-working and engaged Zurich tournament leaders always had to manually compute and enter the observations of the past weekend, while for all other cities the system took care of it.

Today, I’ve added the Zurich data again. Don’t ask me how I get the data, I just get them! From now on Fluntern and Kloten should both be live (likely with a slightly longer delay than for those stations providing WMO essentials, or open data).

Feel free to call MeteoSwiss and others to blame them, if needed :). My spirit is: open data for an open world, but a lot of institutes seem to be numb.

Please note that this was a 15-min-script, in case it breaks down it might need another 15 minutes of optimization :).

All best,