All posts by reto

Well, I'm the guy who once said: "Well, I do not know how to fix the (old) Wetterturnier software, but within a week I can revamp the whole thing". Well, that wasn't a lie as 80% of the front-end were already working as a custom cms plugin after seven long days. However, after all when looking back, the project was bigger than I first thought. That might have been the reason that it took a little bit longer than expected to go live. However, we hope that we are able to provide a convenient and joyful place for all of you! Keep playing!

Live-Scoring Disabled

The live-scoring which has been implemented early this year for some parameters has been disabled again! The live-scoring was intended to bring some more excitement into the game but it seems that it was more confusing than helpful. Based on some discussions and a wide range of people being disappointed I’ve disabled this feature again. Everything is as it has been in the old days!

Have fun playing, and good luck to everyone!

Zurich Live Data

The new Wetterturnier System was designed to automatically process all observations based on the new BUFR message standard. This worked like a charm before different institutes decided to restrict their data set. Among them is the DWD, but also MeteoSwiss.

Thus, our hard-working and engaged Zurich tournament leaders always had to manually compute and enter the observations of the past weekend, while for all other cities the system took care of it.

Today, I’ve added the Zurich data again. Don’t ask me how I get the data, I just get them! From now on Fluntern and Kloten should both be live (likely with a slightly longer delay than for those stations providing WMO essentials, or open data).

Feel free to call MeteoSwiss and others to blame them, if needed :). My spirit is: open data for an open world, but a lot of institutes seem to be numb.

Please note that this was a 15-min-script, in case it breaks down it might need another 15 minutes of optimization :).

All best,

Internet-Explorer Fix

Dear users,

some might have encountered some strange things (the cool new ranking tables and the leader board did never show up). First of all I thought it was a jQuery support problem, after getting the very same report from different people I noticed that it was my fault (or actually an Internet-Explorer fault).

I have committed a hot-fix just right now. If you are an IE user and it works now (or does not): it would be great to get some feedback. Just send me an e-mail (you’ll find my e-mail address on the team page) or a private notification via WT. Would be great to get some feedback (not just now!). Feedback is very important for me as I cannot always test every single detail, my weeks have only 168 hours!

Thanks in advance and have fun!

R (Reto, in case you try to find my e-mail address)

Autosubmit Changes

For all those using “auto-submit” (script based submission of the forecasts/bets) please be aware that there have been some changes due to the changeover from http to https. If you are using the old-school wget commands, please adjust your calls (“wget nocheckcertificate “…” …). If you use the small autosubmit-python package change the url in the submission files to “”. Some more information can be found on the autosubmit description page.

The latest (version 0.1-3) can be found here:

Wetterturnier runs smooth and stable

Dear users,

good news: runs smooth and stable again! After dozens and dozens of hours of optimization and software development our service is running as you (and we) expect it to run, at least in large parts. We apologize for all the chaos over the past few weeks. Many thanks to all of you who have been involved helping to fix the issues (FU, testing) and all those who sent us feedback. The feedback helped a lot!

There are still some things which require some work. The ones we are aware of:

  • auto-submitting bets does not work properly in some cases
  • some translations do not work
  • … feel yourself invited to write issues on github if you find additional problems!

I’m trying to fix the critical ones over the next few days, all non-critical things might only enter the todo list.

Some of the key changes this week

New ranking class: some problems we have been facing were related to a pretty sexy but very inefficient database query. This module has been revamped and the new ranking class runs much smoother while not using large amounts of resources on the server. This should fix the problems on the long term and also brought the trends back a lot of you have been missing over the past 2 years or so.

Secure httpd: the server is now using an ssl certificate such that your communication with is now encrypted. For those who want to be on the very safe side: think of changing your password.

GDPR: the website is now GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) ready. This European law now forces you to accept our privacy policy every time you log in to More information can be found on the DSGVO page.

Release v1.2: even if there is still some work to do, for those interested, we are currently running on the v1.2 release.

Well, have fun and report issues if you find some (preferred via github).


In The Mean Time

Hy gals and chaps! Just a small update what happened in the meantime:

  • Added new function to the backend to (hopefully) properly compute the observed Wv/Wn for the next weekend.
  • Added some features to the observation table to be more useful (column subset and stuff).
  • Some fixes on the frontend: element-styling in the forum, image width of the forecast/analysis maps)
  • Optimized the databases, the script calls, smarter includes of some scripts and libraries, and optimized the webserver settings to improve the server response time. Up to now this looks pretty good, hope you may have noticed a difference as well.
  • Cleaned the code in the repositories, merged some of the repositories and revamped the structure/locations on the server such that the new generation (code support) can easily contribute in the near future.
  • Web-analytics implemented.
  • Documentation, documentation, documentation. Round about 80 hours over the last days.
  • Including the observations of the stations which have been missing in the past (thanks to Marcus). And shame on me that this took a bit longer than needed, even if it was in the top 3 of the todo list.
  • Fixed some small issues in the archive (migration issues). Thanks to Georg for the very detailed analysis and checks.
  • Fixed things here and there on the front-end. Not yet everything is properly responsive (e.g., large tables) and might be fixed somewhen 2018.
  • Observation plots (version 0.1 😉 ) replaced with a d3 implementation rather than creating static plots in the backend.
  • Added a table of the maximum day length which is used to compute the relative sunshine duration to the link list.
  • Small adjustments and fixes on the scripts producing the observations for all stations which are used to compute the scores in the tournament. Still some issues open, see forum.

Overall a lot of work, however, if you find something which is either buggy or wrong, or both, please let me know!

I wish you all a nice time and see you here on Friday :).


Some hints for the new ones

Well done!

First round finished, as some of you might have noticed is that we moved the deadline to 15:15 UTC today. We got the last “oh my goodness, I can’t even log in” e-Mail 2 minutes before the official deadline ;).

If you have some friends which haven’t taken part today but typically join the Wetterturnier: please tell them they should check their accounts and contact us if they do not work. And maybe not 2 minutes before the deadline :).

Seems that our server responded quickly enough today such that everyone has had enough time to place a bet (who wanted to). However, we are still optimizing and checking what to improve. Your feedback, on the negative but of course also on the positive side of the spectrum is always welcome!

All best by the WT team!

Some hints for the new ones

I’ve just added two new small features. As soon as you are logged in you’ll see your username top right of the page in the black bar. When clicking on it you’ll be forwarded to the user-settings-page. This page now provides two wetterturnier-related options.


Bet-form orientation

This option allows you to set your personal default. The ‘overall default’ is the portrait mode. However, if you prefer the landscape mode simply change and save the setting here. It is still possible to switch the orientation on the front-end by clicking on the “switch orientation” button or by simply pressing “x” once on your keyboard if needed. Available options:

  • portrait (which is still the overall default)
  • landscape

Table styling

Our ww75 once mentioned that the contrast of the tables seems to be relatively low and it will be relatively hard to read the information. There is now an option to change the user-specific default table styling. At the moment three different options are available. The overall default is the same relatively neutral one with a lot of white. However, you can now switch to the two alternative styling’s called “contrast” and “orange-blue” (see below):

  • default: the neutral white design
  • contrast: brutal contrast (don’t take this too serious!)
  • orange-blue: a version similar to the old wetterturnier