We would like to allow all users to make use of the freely available data we are using/preparing on the Wetterturnier website. In this case we can only offer you observation data which are labeled as “WMO essential” for instance. This section allows you to export different data sets. Please note all data, codes, and contents are licenced by a Creative Commons licence. If you are using our data you have to add the propper credits.
Berliner Wetterturnier by Reto Stauffer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Export data from the live observation database
For the tournament we are preparing a set of weather observation stations. The data can be downloaded by all logged in users. Note: the live database contains all incoming stations, however, the data will be dropped after about 5 days . The data are in the WMO FM-94 BUFR standard format. Explanations and code translation tables can be found on the WMO website (pdf V.15.1). This export tool allows to export the data in several different easy to read formats. If you need a different format – please let us know. If we can see the benefit for our community the export tool could be extended.
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Exportieren von Beobachtungsdaten aus dem Archiv
A subset of the data in the live database are dumped into the archive database a few times a day. At the moment (August 2015) the archive database includes all active and former wetterturnier stations. As the data in the live database the format of the data follows the WMO FM-94 standard (see above).